Poco a Poco - back in the pool

6:25:00 PM

little by little life is teaching us what we must fight for and what we must renounce

April 29th was my first day back in the pool since the end of September. I feel like I have a different body now. It's been affirmed that walking is not my go to for exercise, as blisters formed all over my feet after 5 miles. I'm truly an seal, not really meant for land.

It's amazing how crappy you can feel when you get little to no form of exercise. I have no muscle tone left in my arms. Completing 2000 yards with a cool down is pushing it. But I'm so thankful. This Thursday I prayed to God in the pool. They were deep prayers of "Thank you and I'm so Grateful to be here". It almost feels like there is a small amount of normalcy back to my life now. I'm so happy to be swimming and it's proof positive that I belong no where else but in the water.

Currently I'm in box land. I moved into my new place January 25th and I've been slowly taking boxes out of my second storage unit. This month is the last month it will be paid for, so everything must come out. Thankfully I had my father help me with his Volvo wagon, as a executive sedan doesn't really hold that much. I so desperately want to write my swim story in this blog but I have to now prepare for a new window install that is happening across my co-op. So, life coupled with a demanding job, has been very busy.

But we can still dream. That's what gives us goals right? I have dreams of possibly attending LCN in October. In 2022 Fina Masters is going to Japan! It helps me keep going through all the sloppy flip turns right now, the muscle aches and days where I feel like I would possibly like to just stay home in bed. The weight gain is horrible. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I can say that being in the pool water now feels like the ocean because it's so easy to float but the weight has to go. It's just not healthy to be this much over my BMI.

Poco a Poco.

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